Tuesday Connect Groups

Women • 10:00 AM • WK1
Curriculum: Holy Living In An Unholy World
A study of the book of Ephesians with a purpose to have consistent Holy conduct provided by drawing on the power of the Holy Spirit.
ELLEN ALLEN // 248.467.0451 // [email protected]
FRAN ARROL // 586.722.4910 // [email protected]
TRINA SHIPP // 248.875.8873 // [email protected]
Highland / White Lake

Women • 6:00 PM • WK2
Curriculum: Don’t Give The Enemy A Seat At Your Table
Join us for dinner and fellowship as we unpack Psalm 23 and bring insight on how to overcome the enemies lies and find peace and spiritual security in any circumstance or situation.
COLLEEN ERCK // 517.404.9685 // [email protected] MARY SCOTT // 810.623.3823 // [email protected]
5722 North Latson, Howell

Co-Ed • 6:30 pm • WK2
Curriculum: Battlefield of the Mind by Joyce Meyers
Come join us for dinner followed by an hour of discussing our study book and the Bible. We also pray for one another’s requests and close with dessert.
KEVIN PERSON // 248.431.9776 // [email protected] TERRY & PAM STRAWSER // 810.516.3321 // 810.516.4370 // [email protected] // [email protected]

Curriculum: GriefShare ($20 Personal workbook is required)
ROGER & CHRIS CHMURA // 248.245.3623 // [email protected]
If you have suffered loss through death and are looking for help to guide you through the journey from grief to healing we welcome you to be a part of this CO-ED group. Through the DVD series, taught by experts in grief counseling, and small group discussion with others, you will learn to think and respond in a biblically healthy way.
10381 Tamryn Blvd, Holly

Curriculum: A Joyful Noise Unto The Lord
We are blessed to have open doors in the elderly community to bring the hope of the gospel at a time when the grace of God still calls their names for salvation, to bring refreshment and encouragement as they run the race of faith. You will be blessed to see the thankfulness and joy that your presence can bring. When the children join us, we see joy in the residents spirits. All generations are invited to join us!
DANIELA UNTARU // 517.219.5403 // [email protected]
GRACE VERVILLE // 313.244.3212 // [email protected]
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