Thursday Connect Groups

WOMEN • 11:00 AM • WK1
Curriculum: The Awe of God by John Bevere
The awe of God is foundational to every promise of God. Though many are turned off by the word fear, Bevere differentiates between the healthy, holy fear of God and the lesser fears that cripple and paralyze us. Jesus treasured this virtue above all and we would be wise to do the same.
LORNA HEFFELBOWER // 248.634.1866 // [email protected]
LORI JENSEN // 810.730.4179 // [email protected]
CONNIE LUEBKERT // 248.698.2380 // [email protected]
Milford Library

MEN • 6:30 PM • WK2
Curriculum: Revelation
The book of Revelation can be daunting, but it doesn’t have to be. In this LifeChange study, you can dig deep into the final book of the Bible and understand it as John’s first readers would have. Trace Revelation’s expansive allusions through the Old and New Testaments, and walk away with a clearer understanding of how John’s images bolstered the faith of the churches he loved…and how they can fortify your own faith today.
JOHN SCHILLER // 248.459.6240 // [email protected]
BRET SCOTT // 517.285.9649 // [email protected]
3107 Harbor Pointe Circle, Fenton
Thursday young adult groups

CO-ED • 6:30 PM • WK3
Curriculum: The Attributes Of God
We will be diving deep into the word of God using this great A.W. Tozer book as a guide to better understand who our God is. Our relationship with God is the most important one in our lives, let’s get to know him better together.
AARON & DANA MALMQUIST // 810.498.9102 // 248.342.6275 // [email protected] // [email protected]
NICK & LEANNA WISNIEWSKI // 810.347.8433 // 734.649.2063