
Sermons and other resources for your family

The Pain Of Barrenness

The Pain Of Barrenness

Pastor Tim Forsthoff | There is pain when we don’t bear fruit. There is joy when we do bear fruit. God desires that we bear fruit and there is always great joy when we see the fruit of our labor. We encourage you to take some time and pray for fruit in your life. Take...

It’s All About This One Thing

It’s All About This One Thing

Pastor Lucas Forsthoff | No matter what you do or how you do anything in life, if it's not rooted in love, it's not a good thing. You can do all sorts of things with your life but the ultimate purpose has got to be love. Matthew 25 talks of 10 bridesmaids, 5 were wise...

Raising Children God’s Way

Raising Children God’s Way

Pastor Tim Forsthoff | God has given us a wonderful responsibility as parents to raise the next generation to follow Jesus. Parents, we take first seat and first place instructing our children in the ways of God. Did you know that if both parents commit themselves to...

The Bible Isn’t Silent On Parenting

The Bible Isn’t Silent On Parenting

Pastor Lucas Forsthoff | What does the Bible have to say about parenting? Well, the Bible isn't silent on parenting so let's join Pastor Lucas Forsthoff today as he guides us through some amazing parenting tips and wisdom. Harder to be a parent today than ever before...

What It Takes To Be A Father

What It Takes To Be A Father

Pastor Lucas Forsthoff | Being a father is hard work, rewarding work, Godly work. We have a wonderful opportunity as father's to raise our children in the house of God, showing them what it takes to be a Kingdom Christian. Pastor Lucas shares great stories about...

Creating A Legacy

Creating A Legacy

Pastor Tim Forsthoff | God will say, well done good and faithful servant, to you at the end when you see Him. You will leave behind a legacy after this life. What will people say about you? What do you want people to say about you? Experts say, you will reach the goal...

Sitting Before Serving

Sitting Before Serving

Pastor Lucas Forsthoff | The story of Mary and Martha has been told for centuries. One thing Jesus emphasizes is sitting before serving. We must first learn how to sit before we can serve with the right heart. Enjoy this message from Pastor Lucas.

Watch And Pray

Watch And Pray

Jen Forsthoff | Mom, you are more than a cleaner, laundry folder, cooker, homework helper and house picker upper. You are called to be a prayer warrior, a princess warrior who watches and prays. Enjoy this powerful message from Jen Forsthoff about being a God called...

Don’t Compromise

Don’t Compromise

Sameh Sadik | "YOLO" - should that be our motto? Dr. Sameh Sadik explains what God is searching for today.

The Table, The Anointing, The Cup

The Table, The Anointing, The Cup

David Pepper | What tables are you dining at? David Pepper preaches about dining at the table that God prepares and the overflowing blessings he has for us.