
Wednesday Connect Groups WOMEN • 9:00 AM • WK4 Curriculum: Mom Set Free: Find Relief From The Pressure To Get It All Right by Jeannie Cunnion Come for a cup of coffee and a great time connecting with other moms! Join together as we find strength in God’s Word,...


Saturday Connect Groups CO-ED • 5:00 PM • WK2 Curriculum: Overcomer by Dr. David JeremiahWhat would happen if you faced your challenges in the name of the Lord? What would life be like if your goal in every situation was to bring glory to God? Are you ready to...


Friday Connect Groups WOMEN • 10:00 AM • WK3 Curriculum: Finding I Am – How Jesus Fully Satisfies The Cry of You HeartWe are a group of women who value spending time growing in relationship with Jesus and each other. BRENDA HWOZDIK // 248.660.5398 //...


Thursday Connect Groups WOMEN • 11:00 AM • WK1 Curriculum: The Awe of God by John BevereThe awe of God is foundational to every promise of God. Though many are turned off by the word fear, Bevere differentiates between the healthy, holy fear of God and the lesser...


monday Connect Groups women • 6:30 PM • WK2 Curriculum: Moms’ Prayer GroupPraying for our children is more important than ever. This group of moms comes together to pray for one another’s kids. Whether you are a seasoned prayer warrior or are new to intercessory...