You Have Not Because You’ve Asked Not

You Have Not Because You’ve Asked Not

Pastor Lucas Forsthoff | The desire of God is to hear you pray…even an angry prayer is better than no prayer at all. God’s heart toward you is for good and not evil. God wants a relationship with you today…will you pray about it? You have not because...


Pastor Andy Shaver | When we walk out our front door, we are in a war. Not a war with one another, but a spiritual war. We must face the war head on and keeping praying, pressing in, prophesying and more. We will win this war and usher in an era of...
Are You Lukewarm?

Are You Lukewarm?

Pastor Tim Forsthoff | The church of Laodicea was lukewarm in Revelation 3:14-22. God says He will spit you out of His mouth if you are lukewarm. God also says He would rather have you hot or cold, not lukewarm. Are you hot? Are you cold? Are you lukewarm? We want to...
Are You Living Near Satan’s Throne?

Are You Living Near Satan’s Throne?

Pastor Tim Forsthoff | The church of Pergamos in Revelation 2:12-17 was positioned next to Satan’s throne. Jesus commends them for staying faithful to God despite where they were positioned. Important to understand that Jesus didn’t tell them to run away...
What’s Love Got To Do With It?

What’s Love Got To Do With It?

Pastor Tim Forsthoff | Revelation talks about 7 churches and only 2 of them did not get a rebuke from God. One church was accused of leaving their first love, they grew lukewarm in their faith. Love is the most important part of our relationship with God. Sometimes,...
Kingdom Marriage, Part 2

Kingdom Marriage, Part 2

Pastor Lucas & Jen Forsthoff | Every marriage is a God ordained opportunity to glorify God and advance the Kingdom. Pastor Lucas and Jen talk about love and respect. Every person wants love and respect and it’s up to you and me to make sure we are giving...