It’s Time To Seek The Lord

It’s Time To Seek The Lord

Pastor Tim Forsthoff | Moses spent time in a tent outside the people and met with God routinely. As a matter of fact, Joshua would often go into the small tent and meet with God. Do you have a place where you routinely meet with God? It’s time to seek the Lord,...
Overcoming Stress PT. 2

Overcoming Stress PT. 2

Pastor Tim Forsthoff | Many handle stress by either medicating, motivating or meditating their way through it…but that is the wrong way. The Bible gives us clear direction on how to handle stress, prayer, bible reading and fasting are great ways to handle...
Overcoming Stress PT. 1

Overcoming Stress PT. 1

Pastor Tim Forsthoff | Stress will steal your rest and peace within you. Stress in your home will create a killing field under the roof when it should be a garden under your roof. Pastor Tim Forsthoff teaches a great message on turning your home into a garden, raising...
Christmas Eve Service

Christmas Eve Service

Pastor Tim Forsthoff | Jesus was born at night, the shepherds were interrupted by angels with a birth announcement at night, deep mourning came over the land with a command from the King to kill the first born sons, darkness was all over the earth. Jesus came at night...
The 4 Greatest Names

The 4 Greatest Names

Pastor Lucas Forsthoff | Isaiah, a prophet in the Old Testament prophesied about Jesus 700 years before He was born. Isaiah was so confident about the coming Messiah, he could have thrown a baby shower 700 years too soon! Isaiah gives Jesus 4 names, Pastor Lucas calls...