Today’s Verse: 

Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will lift you up in honor. James 4:10


One thing all of us as Christians are familiar with is humility. When we fast however, there is a profound work that God can do in our lives regarding humility. When we let God have his way, and do a deep work on the inside of us, there is a deep, humbling work that happens. Andrew Murray writes, “When you have given God his place of honor, glory, and power, take your place of deepest loneliness.” As we pray and fast, we should remember our place. Give God His highest place, and put yourself on the lowest rung of the ladder in your life. Get humble before the Lord, until He has the chiefest place in every aspect of your life. Let God have first place, and let Him be your first love! It is not about us, it is about God. Are you humbling yourself? Are you giving God his chiefest place? Seek the Lord and give Him His chief place in your life!


  1. Have you put yourself at a lowly place today?
  2. Are you humbling yourself?
  3. Are you giving God his chiefest place?


I take some time today and I humble myself before you God. I make sure that I am humbling myself so that you don’t have to humble me. Help me see that you are at the top of the ladder and I am at the bottom of the ladder. I want to be used by you God but I also don’t want to be lifted up with pride. 

Service Time

Sunday at 9 & 11 AM
Wednesday at 7 PM


4995 N Hickory Ridge Rd
Highland, MI 48357


(248) 887-1600