We welcome and embrace people of all abilities and their families into the body of Christ at Cornerstone Church. By creating an atmosphere of acceptance and accessibility, we desire that every child, teen and adult would know their value, their place and their purpose in Christ.
interested in joining us for an upcoming event
or a weekly service?
Start by exploring below and share with us about your Champion, so that we can prepare begin to prepare to serve them and their needs.
-My Champion is a child (4months-18 years). I would like the Champions Ministry to begin to prepare for my child to attend a weekly service by completing a student intake form.
-My Champion is 18 years of age or older. I would like to be contacted about my Champion and share what adaptions and supports will benefit my them and our family while attending service at Cornerstone Church. I would like to submit my information and have a Champions Team member follow up with me.